Monday, September 18, 2017

Two Week Birthday

The puppies turned 2 weeks old on Sunday.  They are trying to walk but still a little shaky.  We should start seeing the eyes open in the next few days.  Puppies had toenails trimmed on Sunday.  Some of the pups objected but most handled it without much of a fuss.

I have had several inquiries on how we socialize our puppies.  At birth we start doing Bio-Sensor exercises.  Which involves handling and stimulating the puppies in various ways.  Below is a link to how the exercises are done.

The puppies are handled multiple times a day.  We literally set in front of the whelping pen holding, petting and talking to the puppies several times a day.  We believe this interaction is critical towards having a well socialized dogs.

Here is a picture of the puppies taken on Sunday (their two week birthday).

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

7 day puppy update .....

Here is the puppy pile from Saturday evening.  The pups are growing rapidly.  Willow is such a good mom -- catering to their every need.  If you have any interest in the puppies -- feel free to email me at

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The puppies are here ....

Willow whelped a nice size litter of 7 on Sunday evening.   We have 1 black and white girl, 2 pink girls and 4 black and white boys.  It looks like several of the boys have tan points.  Willow is a first time mom --  but, has caught on quickly.  She is quite attentive to all the needs of her babies.  Keep checking back we will be posting baby pictures frequently.  If you are interested in one of our babies feel free to contact me at